Sunday 8 February 2015

Long time no speak!

Aaaah I'm the worst, I'm sorry. But I've really been super busy!

On the personal front I got a placement at a salon! So I've settled in okay to my work placement and I'm due to finish Level 2 in May! I'm working really hard to get everything ticked off in time. I'm basically working most days and I haven't been very good at dressing up or getting photos when I do. However I want to get back into the habit and I want to get back into this blog! So I'm gonna try and do a little catch-up from where I last left off.

This jumper was my staple winter jumper. I went thru a bit of a spooky girl phase for October and onwards because I'm just kind of obsessed with dark winter looks.

And this was my make/code for my work Christmas do. It was pretty 60s inspired since that was what I was digging over winter too. The dress was loaned to me by Pia and it was super flattering! My lenses are a new pair of dueba lenses, I forget the line :( but they're grey and really lovely. Dolly-like but in a "natural" way if that makes sense at all. I had been circle lens-less for a while and hated it!! I bought these because I needed something basic for cosplay and grey lenses are my favourite for everyday wear (I just think they really suit me). I might do a review of them in the future.

A little closer to my himekaji codes for some Christmas shopping.

A super grunge look for a shopping trip with my brother a few weeks ago. I do really like the 90s grunge influence in fashion lately (as a little 90s baby, it's like reviving things i wanted to wear as a kid but was not old enough to lmao) and when I'm going for a quick casual look it's usually my go-to. It's cool in an effortless way, I think.

Pia bought me the Dollywink Sweet Girly and Baby Cute lashes that I had been lusting after for Christmas! This is a look I did with both - it was my first time doing a full gyaru look in ages and it helped me to get my steam back a little, I think!

My bestie Pads came over last weekend! So here's our BEAUTIFUL Starbucks selfie. Hopefully because we both have jobs now we'll get to hang out more which will be nice.
I'm wearing my blue dueba lenses that I re-purchased! Again they were for cosplay but I love them enough for daily wear.

And a literal selfie from today. I've fallen in love with the Larme aesthetic so I wanted to try a make up that was soft and sweet. I still kept a lot of gyaru contouring but I made it much less harsh. This is practically "natural" for me lmao. But I think it looks so pretty! A lot of the outfits I've been putting together/lusting after wouldn't look out of place in Larme so this may just be my spring look. The lenses are the EOS Gothic 3 Tone Hazel lenses and I just think they look gorgeous. I recently did a big lens haul in preparation for kitacon this summer but these are by far my favourite pair - and they're so comfortable, too so mega bonus points. I think my next review will be a big lens post for all of my buys.

It will soon be Valentine's Day and my birthday (as well as basically everyone else in my life... me and my friends are just a freaky pisces coven, for real) so I'll be posting about those and my outfits/make ups for all that I have planned.
I promise I won't leave it over half a year for the next post!!

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